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Snake and Ladder 1.0
Logical App House
Snake and Ladder originated in India as partofa family of dice board games, including pachisi (present-dayLudo).It was known as moksha pAtam or vaikunthapaali orparamapadasopaanam. The game made its way to England and was soldas Snakesand Ladders, then the basic concept was introduced in theUnitedStates as Chutes and Ladders.It is very popular snake and ladder game that can be played byelderand younger both.Each player starts with a token on the starting square (usuallythe"1" grid square in the bottom left corner, or simply, theimaginaryspace beside the "1" grid square) and takes turns to rolla singledie to move the token by the number of squares indicated bythe dieroll. Tokens follow a fixed route marked on the game-boardwhichusually follows a boustrophedon (ox-plow) track from thebottom tothe top of the playing area, passing once through everysquare. If,on completion of a move, a player's token lands onthelower-numbered end of a "ladder", the player moves his token uptothe ladder's higher-numbered square. If he lands onthehigher-numbered square of a "snake" (or chute), he must movehistoken down to the snake's lower-numbered square. If a playerrollsa 6, he may, after moving, immediately take another turn;otherwiseplay passes to the next player in turn. The player who isfirst tobring his token to the last square of the track isthewinner.Features:1. User can have poison killer after some score so that it cansavehis/her life once in a game.
Fast Calculation 1.4
Logical App House
Fast Calculation program is designed for those who want to learninteresting mathematical tricks to speed up the calculating. FastCalculation App tricks will help solve part of the mathematicalproblems and tasks much faster than classical. Will also be helpfulto those who want to hone basics such as the multiplication table.When you learn these Fast calculation mathematical tricks, you'llbe able to show off your skills to friends and prove to them thatyou have a talent for mathematics. New skills you can use in thestore, at school, at college, at work - wherever thanks to quickFast calculation skills can save a lot of precious time, Fastcalculation helps you crack Government competitive exams, in everyfield now a days every where is a challenge ,in your school,college, JOB every where you need to have sharp mind , Fastcalculation helps a lot in this case, Fast calculation not onlyhelps you improve your skills but it also improve your memory power,Fast calculation have mathematical table where you can easilyremember mathematical table, play games in Fast calculation toimprove calculation. Fun Math Tricks: 1. Multiplication table ,kidscan also learn fast 2. Games 3. Customize look and feel myselecting your favorite color 4. Vedic Math 5. Calculator for easymath. Fast Calculation is a FREE Vedic math tricks and speedcalculation app available for Android. Fast Calculation would helpyou explore, learn and practice various interesting speedcalculation and math tricks. Switch from your conventionalcalculation methods to Fast Calculation techniques, and you wouldbe proud of the pace at which you start doing your calculations,Fast calculation not only limited to kids or adult or older peopleevery one can use Fast Calculation. Fast Calculations" helps youpractice different mental skills: memory, attention, speed,reaction, concentration, logic, and more. WHY USE FAST CALCULATIONAPP + Fast Calculation Teaches you math tricks and techniques thatwill help you calculate at a pace much faster than conventionalmethods + Learn maths skills you can use at school, college, or atwork, and save precious time + Engages you with an exciting,game-based interface + Especially useful for students going toappear for competitive exams, where speed is of utmost importance ,here Fast calculation App can help you a lot + Helps you memorizeuseful, must-do maths stuff such as multiplication tables. + Vedicmaths techniques and speed calculation tricks explained throughembedded YouTube video tutorials, Fast calculation provides yougreatest calculation tricks + Learn at your own pace, competeagainst yourself, better your timings for each module + Keeppracticing through virtually unlimited testing modules + Competewith your friends, set new records and flaunt your report card +-Solve arithmetic problems ✔✔✔Enter the world of mathematics withthe newest application that we have created to entertain you, yesthat is Fast calculation. Rush in haste to the market and downloadfree the best Fast Calculation app and you will be over the moonwhen you start playing it. It shows equations from your favoritesubject from school. Now you will have the opportunity to brush upon your knowledge from arithmetic so grab it tight. Have tons offun while solving math questions that show up on the screenendlessly. Keep in mind that the time is running for each questionand you should provide the answer fast. With best math answer app,the time will fly for you. Try as hard as you can to reach the highscore. Then you will prove as mathematics genius. The moment youstart playing this addictive and challenging app you will beenchanted with it. Let the latest Fast Calculation entertain youfor hours and it will become your favorite pastime. Training mode:- Fast calculation provides games where you can speedup yourcalculation speed This free version of Fast Calculation containsthird party advertisements.